Snowdrops( Galanthus nivalis) are finished blooming now.. but they were lovely this year. There are evidently 75 different species and varieties of snowdrops.. click on the title above to find out more about them...
Instead of Mallards this year we took a chance on two straight run Rouens.. They look like Mallards, but they are heavier and more suitable to small farms... Click on the title above to go to the The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy page on Rouens
new chicks this spring include Indian runners...sometimes called bottleneck ducks or penguin ducks... Click on the title above to find out more about them form the Indian Runner Duck association
I planted these lillies for the first time this year, not knowing what would happen. Well, the freeze seemed to kill them off, then, suddenly- there they are again, re-sprouting- two have bloomed and here they are! Many thanks to our friend Mr. Bissel who suggested that we plant them. Mille Mercis Monsieur!
It is the middle of March and the Camellias are still blooming! I do not know what variety this is, other than Japonica, perhaps "Dawns Early Light"?? Which was suggested by a local expert.. but the bees and hummingbirds love it.
Bridal wreath is the common name- planted it also.. It is more commonly planted alternately with fushia azaleas than the popcorn spirea and more speading in habit and the deer don't seem to like it that much, which is a good thing.