
Hummingbird Activity is High Now

Coming in for a Landing

This feeder is among the Passionflower vines.

Black-chinned Hummingbird Archilochus alexandri

Not often seen in our garden - the range is the Western United States and Northern Mexico. Perhaps Alex and the recent flodding in that area has pushed it eastward. http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Black-chinned_Hummingbird/id


Nature's Tiny Wonder

Hummingbird Hovering by the Xmas lights

Ruby Throat on his Perch

Two Hummers in Silhouette

Fairy Beds, or Spider cups in Clematis

The yard if FILLED with these nests.. anyone know who makes them? they glisten in the morning dew like fairy beds...

Leucauge venusta

Smily faced Orb Spinner

Spider web closeup

New Growth on Citrus tree



Lycoris Radiata

Commonly called Naked ladies, sine they bloom without leaves or spider lillies, since they look spidery

Eastern Amercian Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) on Red Penta

or " Parsnip" Black Swallowtail - a good reason to plant dill and parsley in your garden as it lays its eggs on Apiaceae; dill, fennel, Queen Anne's lace, and parsley.

Garden Visitor

French Mulberry -Callicarpa americana

Grows wild all over the yard.. Birds love it-so do deer, raccoons, opossums and other night creatures.

Honeybee on Celmatis ( Ranunculaceae)

related to the buttercup- this variety is a swift perennial grower and covers the trees like kudzu if not attended. "Clema" is Greek for a liane, and the Latin specific name "brachiata" means "provided with arms" since the right-angled and opposite branching habit resembles arms sticking out of a torso.

Bumbles opening Sombreuil

Sombreuil covered in Bumbles


Hybrid Tea Rose
Bred in Belgium- by Louis Lens, introduced in 1963
'Queen Elizabeth' × 'White Butterfly'
"This rose was chosen as the most beautiful white rose and one of the most beloved roses in the world by the 34 societies of the "World federation of Rose Societies" (triannual congres in Dublin, 1991)"http://www.flickr.com/photos/sint-katelijne-waver/3879075604/
I agree- it is one of my garden favorites.

Red Leaf Rose Bud

Tiny Morning Glory - New Volunteer

Double Delight Blooming

Tiny Tiny Blue Blossoms


Little Blossoms on the Driveway

Clematis Seeds

LONGLEAF( left) and SHORTLEAF( right) PINE

I use the long leaf pine needles to weave baskets with- you can see why.. It's either true Loong Leaf or Loblooy Pine tree needles.. these are growing right next to each other and you can see the change in scale- and why it is called " Long leaf"
Pine. The short leaf pine is called " Scrub" pine locally.

Local Sheep Grazing in the Rain