
Double Delight

Recent rains have helped the roses to bloom. "Double Delight" is one of them. Highly fragrant- the deer and rabbits do not favor it as they do "Iceberg", and the color is as delightful as the fragrance.

The Rustic Brown Rabbit Diner

If you look closely, you can see evidence of the local rabbit's wanderings. The pine bark has become his dinner platter.

Red-headed Woodpecker

Red-headed Woodpecker
(Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Thanks to Katrina and lots of insect infested pine trees.. The Red-headed Woodpeckers have been very busy in our area. They laugh and swoop swiftly through the yard and pines. According to Greek mythology, Picus was a son of Saturn, and he was turned into a woodpecker by Circe when he rejected her. The Red-headed Woodpecker is listed as a vulnerable species in Canada and is listed on multiple state threatened species lists in the United States. click here to learn more

Blue Asters-Grandma's favorite

Dew laden web

Ilex vomitoria-Yupon Berries

Ilex vomitoria-yupon Berries-The birds love them!