
Turtle / Tortoise Time

A lovely turtle/ tortoise
( he was not the usual green sliders that I see that I know are turtles-I'm not sure what he was truly- are you?)
was sunning himself in the road the other day. We didn't want anyone to run over him as dusk was approaching- so we tried to encourage him off the road. He insistently ran the other way. He moved really, really quickly I might add.a The little reascal stopped just inside the drivers side tire under our car! With some careful and persistent encouragement- we got him out and on his way in to the cool grass and off the busy road.

Our Clematis HENRY I bloomed today

Clematis Henry I Hybridized by Isaac Anderson-Henry of Edinburgh, Scotland,
Year of Registration / Introduction: 1870
Bred from C. lanuginosa as the female or seed-bearer and C. 'Fortunei' as the male parent.