
Spanish Moss - Tillandsia usneoides

Festive Falaya

The Sitting Squares Submerged

Magic Myst on the Bogue Falaya

Ants and High Water

I always watch the ants and their behavior before and after the rains. Here they seek shelter in the cracks on the wooden railings on the deck next to the Bogue Falaya...

Water Lines

One of the ways to tell high high the rain water got after the recent deluge is to look for the lines that the leaves and debris make on the lawns. Most were over the sidewalk that I saw. The direction of the water flow is seen on these parking guides and the pine straw accumulated on the side where the water was flowing from.
The last image is a picture of steps that lead up the levee to the top of the canal.

Hunting Egret

Saw this egret catch a lizard in Old Metairie...