
Happy Spring!- We Saw Our First Hummingbird!

At least one young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Too fast for my camera!
We refilled all the feeders for them.
The wasps are hatching out and so are the bumble bees.
They are feeding on the blossoming Wisteria.
The honey bees are visiting our pear and citrus trees
-so with any luck we may have some fruit this year.


Beautiful Full Moon!

Pear Blossoms

Cadeaux De Paix

She is pretending that she is not there laying an egg!

Backyard Architects

We've changed our look

Its is the same old blog- just a little different in look.. let us know what you think..


Hungry Planet Video from Joe

My friend Joe sent me this video.
I think it is important to share.
Think about how you spend your time
and money on a week's worth of food
compared to the rest of the world.
double click it or the title above
to go to the URL and see full screen


The Latest Feline

Chillin' in the shade of the long leaf pines.
Amazing eyes.

Zulu Hiss

Zulu is upset. She gave me a defensive "hiss"!
She is probably sitting on a freshly laid egg on her nest.